Toddlers like independence and choosing for themselves.
Some small changes can facilitate this while providing practical, fun activities for the child.
Help the child identify where things belong by labelling. Place pictures or photos on the outside of drawers and cupboards within reach. This allows for choice making, showing preferences and builds self-esteem. It also builds early math skills as s/he sorts and matches items. By labelling toy boxes, for example, tidying up becomes a fun activity whereby the toddler feels in control, responsible and capable of completing tasks
Make a ‘treasure basket’ of everyday school items for the child. The basket should be large enough to store a variety of items, low enough for the sitting child to reach into and strong enough to lean on. Many household items are safe for the child to play and experiment with through banging, touching, tasting. Change the basket contents to vary experiences. Stay with the child to create a sense of security as s/he explores and to ensure safe play. The treasure basket offers rich, sensory experiences through sight, touch, taste, smell, sound and movement. While the child investigates and explores, s/he develops concentration and learns about cause and effect. S/he can choose to use the objects in a variety of ways learning to problem-solve while developing hand-eye co-ordination. Always bear safety in mind while choosing objects and check regularly.